I didn’t make it out on the trails yesterday but I did end up doing just a little over 4/miles on the treadmill. This week hasn’t been too bad for getting miles in, I am now just over 20 for this week. It doesn’t look like I am going to make it out today. The wind is really blowing and we have wind advisory warnings. I'll try to get on the treadmill later today.
Happy Hiking
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Seven Bridges Loop
This morning I drove up to the GCR parking lot. I expected to see a few more cars in the parking lot at 10AM, there were only three other cars. I headed up GCR and figured I would either do Seven Bridges or go up to St. Mary’s Falls. Well Seven Bridges won as it was the first trail that I came across.
On my way up GCR I came across two guys who were just coming back from doing St. Mary’s and said that the trail was decent, it had seen a lot of action since the snow. So I caught trail 622 which is also known as Seven Bridges. Hiked up to the Jones Park area and there is still plenty of snow and once again I could have used my snow shoes but didn’t have them with me.
I managed to find trail 668 and then over to 666 for about mile before catching trail 667 aka Captain Jacks. I then worked my way down the Mt. Buckhorn trail back to GCR. I moved a little quicker today. Hiking time today was 3 hours and 44 minutes with a total distance of 6.83 Miles. Once again another great work out with an elevation gain of 2155 ft.
I managed to get a few pictures today and have included or you can view all the pictures at: https://picasaweb.google.com/115678648713324071004/20111229?authkey=Gv1sRgCPWi18LHj-3vlQE
Not sure where I am headed tomorrow but you can rest assured I will let you know.
Happy Hiking
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Paint Mines Interpretive Park
Today I headed out to do one of my favorite hikes, the Paint Mines. I drove out highway 24 to Calhan , CO . It’s about 35/Miles from Colorado Springs . This isn’t a long hike, today I managed to get 3/miles in. What makes this hike so much fun is that the scenery is so different that what you find in the mountain areas.
You will find it hard to believe that such great rock formations exist just outside in the Colorado plains. The mines have evidence of human life as far back as 9,000 years ago. The colorful clays were used by American Indians. The park features fantastic geological formations including spires and hoodoos that were formed through erosive action that created incised gullies and exposed layers of seienite clay and jasper.
All of today’s pictures can be found here:
I had to trek through some deep snow in the canyon areas. It was pretty slick climbing on some of the rocks. I actually fell a couple times today and need to clean up my camera. It was cold in the shade and the wind was blowing. In the sun wasn’t to bad.
If you like hiking and are looking for something different I would recommend this hike. You better get to it soon as I am sure that at some point they will begin limiting the trails and you may not have access any longer.
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Trail 666
This morning I headed out to get some miles in. Drove up to GCR and parked in the parking lot at the bottom of High Drive . Threw on my gear and headed up the road. I got a chance to use just about everything today. I had my stableicers on and wore them for the entire hike. Had my nano on and my tunes going and was trying my new GPS for the first time on the trail.
I hiked up High Drive to the trail head for trail 666. This isn’t one of my favorite hikes but it has a decent incline and it is a great work out. I wish I had taken my snow shoes as I could have used them today. I figured the trail would have seen a lot more activity than it had. For about the first 2 miles up I was hiking up in someone else’s snowshoe tracks. But then they stopped and I was now walking through a good 8 to 12 inches of snow. I did about another mile up to the junction of trails 666 and 667. That deep snow was a real work out trying to get through.
All pictures can be found here:
I was on the look out for any bird photo opportunities. I was only able to get two pictures and neither of them was all that decent. I have several different bird whistles on my phone. I would stop and play them along the trail to see if I could get any birds to come fly my way. I need to get a Finch song as that is what I saw today.
All together I was able to get 6.44/miles in. I hiked 3.22/miles up with an elevation gain of 2221/ft. The average slope was 12% incline on the way up and -12% on the way down. I moved pretty slow today as up and back it took me just over 4 hours. I contribute the slowness to the deep snow.
I have to admit it was beautiful up there today. Snow everywhere and in the sunlit area’s the snow just glistened like diamonds. I had some great views of the stream in between the snow. It was just great to be out.
Didn’t come across anyone on the trail today and until I was just about back to the truck. A guy and girl came past me on cross country skis.
I am going to try to get out again tomorrow, not sure where yet.
Happy Hiking
IPod Nano
I was lucky enough to receive a IPod Nano recently at a holiday party that I attended. Thank you Xtivia! At first I didn’t get that thrilled about it as I have an older classic IPod that I have carried with me for the last couple of years. But after getting it home and adding my favorite playlist it was all setup and ready to go. Being so small I was concerned that I would loose it or leave it in my pant pocket and run it through the washer.
Well guess what they make really cool watch band that will turn you nano into a really nice wrist watch, with your favorite music and photo’s all there on you wrist. I asked Santa for one and she gave me one for Christmas. It’s great! I have been wearing this for the last couple of days. Today I used it for a hike up trail 666. It worked great and with it on your wrist you can run your earphones inside your sleeve and up your back. So you don’t have a wire hanging in the front that gets tangled with you back pack strap or camera strap. Being on your wrist it is easy to get to so you can check the time or change up your playlist.
Garmin Foretrex 401
For Christmas Candy got me a new GPS. It is a Garmin Foretrex 401 and it fits nicely on the wrist. Much smaller than my Map 60 that I carry. I plan on getting out and testing it to see how it works.
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Wow what a week. I got home from Austin Texas last night it was a full day of travel. Candy picked me up at the airport at around 4:30 and we stopped and grabbed a sub on the way home. I then spent most of the evening working on email from the week that I was tardy on replying to.
The week in Austin went well. We had one of our Business Partners in the office to do training with our team. Had our client visit us from Angola and spent time with our AWESOME team in the evenings as well as having a big holiday party.
I had planned on going out on a hike this morning and it was a great day for one. I was exhausted and didn’t get out of bed until 10AM. Guess I needed the rest. I did spend an hour on the treadmill and managed to get 4/miles in. I feel better and hope to get our tomorrow.
I was out in the backyard this afternoon and the squirrels were going crazy. I counted eight
of them all together. They were jumping from tree to tree and chasing each other all over the place. I grabbed the camera and snapped up a few pictures. I guess the nice weather brought them out of their nests.
I put some food the in feeder and they spent most of the day fighting over the food and taking turns eating.
Happy Hiking
The week in Austin went well. We had one of our Business Partners in the office to do training with our team. Had our client visit us from Angola and spent time with our AWESOME team in the evenings as well as having a big holiday party.
I had planned on going out on a hike this morning and it was a great day for one. I was exhausted and didn’t get out of bed until 10AM. Guess I needed the rest. I did spend an hour on the treadmill and managed to get 4/miles in. I feel better and hope to get our tomorrow.
I was out in the backyard this afternoon and the squirrels were going crazy. I counted eight
of them all together. They were jumping from tree to tree and chasing each other all over the place. I grabbed the camera and snapped up a few pictures. I guess the nice weather brought them out of their nests.
I put some food the in feeder and they spent most of the day fighting over the food and taking turns eating.
Happy Hiking
Saturday, December 10, 2011
I managed to get a lot of work done today. Headed into the office in the morning to catch up on overdue work items as I had been on the road this week and was a little behind in email, etc. Made a trip up to Milwaukee for client meetings this week and that went very well.
Made it back to the house about 1:30pm and did some house work. We decided to head out for a little walk in Bear Creek Park . Left from the house and did a 4.5/mile loop. We were a little over dressed or so I thought as we got started. In the sun it was nice, but in the shade and once the sun set over the mountain it cooled off quick.
Tried several times to get a few bird pictures, but they just wouldn’t hold still. We saw magpie, finches and a few others. I did manage to snap off a few pictures and I included them below.
Headed out again in the morning to see if I can do double what I did today.
Happy Hiking
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Wow, I don’t even know where to begin. I guess first here is wishing you a belated Happy Thanksgiving. Hope you had a great day and enjoyed time with friends and family and you were able to take count of all the things you are thankful for.
Around our house for Thanksgiving Day it was Candy, Eric, Clark and I here for dinner. Candy did all the cooking and she did an awesome job! We had turkey and all the fixings. We just finished off the turkey this evening with turkey noodle soup.
With this being a short week, I took the first three days of it off for vacation. More like a working vacation but I did manage to get a few things completed this week. I guess let’s start at the beginning.
I spent most of the week working on Clark ’s room trying to get it completed before I leave town next week. I am happy to report that the room is finished and tomorrow we can move Clark back in.
I pretty much replaced everything. I put in new doors and door frames. All new flooring, paint and oak trim. I started out by painting the ceiling and walls first and then laid the floor. A lot of time was spent on the staining of the doors and door frames. I had already stained the trim so that was out of the way. All together this project took me eight days to complete. This looks a whole lot better than what we had down there before. Clark should be pretty jazzed once we get hit settled back in.
So a quick mileage update for the month of November. To date I have managed to get 40.5/miles logged. Not bad but not great! I need to get out tomorrow and get a few extra miles in. Especially after all the eating I have been doing this week.
On Tuesday I headed out and did a 7/mile loop. I took a little different route this time than I normally do when I cross the mountain. Hiked up to GCR and then headed up the side of the mountain. This new trail was pretty much all incline and I could feel it. I hope to be able to do it again tomorrow. I need to do it again tomorrow.
I did manage to snag a few nice pictures while I was out. I came across two pretty cool looking nests. The first one pictured is an old wasp’s nest. Luckily the tenants had moved on. This second picture, I am not sure what type of nest it is, but I am guessing a squirrel nest. Also found a nice Magpie posing as well as a couple of deer grazing.
Even had time to get the Christmas decorations out and up both inside and out. Looks like the Christmas holiday is on it's way.
Happy Hiking
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
No work on the basement tonight but I did get a couple miles in on the treadmill, 2.5/miles to be exact. Tomorrow I am headed up to Cheyenne WY. to meet with two of our clients. So trying to figure out when I am going to get my walking in. Guess I will try in the morning before I leave, so looks like an other early morning.
As of today I am now up to 27.2/miles for the month.
As of today I am now up to 27.2/miles for the month.
Monday, November 14, 2011
I managed to get a little more done on the basement this evening. Finished up all the trim removal and have the truck loaded and ready to make a run to the dump. I had a gallon of primer so I went ahead and rolled it over the blue walls. Didn’t have enough to cut in around the corners and ceiling. One evening this week I will need to make a trip to HD, need to get the door frames and doors and pick up some more primer and the paint.
If I can get my butt up early enough I am going to try to make a dump run in the morning. They open as 7am so I should be good. I have to do it tomorrow as I need to drive up to Cheyenne WY for meetings on Thursday.
I only got 1.5/miles in today and did that on the treadmill after work. That brings me up to 24.5/miles for this month.
Sunday, November 13, 2011
I wouldn’t normally say this but man I am glad the weekend is over. It has been crazy busy around here this weekend and I don’t see it slowing down. Of course it is my own fault so I guess I can’t really complain.
Saturday morning a friend of mine showed up and we started tearing out the windows in the basement bathroom and the bedroom. They came out easy and the new ones went in just as easy. We started at 9am and were done by noon.
Once that was done my buddy left and I started the demolition on the basement bedroom. Managed to get all the carpet, pad and trim removed. It went pretty quick except for removing the carpet tack strips.
I am also replacing all the interior doors and frames in the basement. This should be fun as I haven’t done this before, but doesn’t look to tuff.
It was crazy windy here in the springs yesterday and through the night. Over at the Bott house we had two sections of fence blow down. This morning candy I ran over there and got everything nailed back up.
From there we headed over to Red Rock Canyon and did a quick two mile loop. Saw a coyote down in the valley. I snapped this picture but it is not great. Had some great views of Pikes Peak and Garden of the Gods.
We got all the carpet, pad and trim loaded up in the back of the truck. The dump is closed on Sunday’s and it won’t be until Tuesday that I can get over there and unload. That’s ok as I still have a few more trim pieces to remove from the hallway.
Friday, November 11, 2011
Need more time
I had meetings yesterday so didn’t walk to work and then when I got home I started clearing out the boy’s bedroom. Moving him into the family room that we just finished and now starting on his room. I ordered new windows for his room and the down stairs bathroom. They showed up yesterday so time to get to work on the next remodel effort.
I have the trim work already stained. On the last room that took the longest to get done as it took two coats of stain and then polyurethane. Then had to wait for it to dry. I’ll start adding some pictures as we get going.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
National Metal Day 11.11.11
For all you headbangers out there and even those of you who won't admit that you love that headbanging, hard slamming Rock N Roll, get ready. VH1 has dubbed November 11th 2011 as National Metal Day. Be sure to tune in to VH1 Classic to see all your favorite head banging bands.
Here are a couple of my favorites to get you ready!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oobDQ0vdm8M - GnR Sweet Child O Mine
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L397TWLwrUU&ob=av2e - Judas Priest Breaking the Law
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_aIhh9nFYv4 - Black Sabbath Paranoid
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7d57WGkhi-M&feature=related - Motley Crue Shout at the Devil
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B_3TlrZLpQ0 - Accept Balls To The Wall
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h45WnW0ASFY - Motorhead Eat the Rich
Here are a couple of my favorites to get you ready!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oobDQ0vdm8M - GnR Sweet Child O Mine
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L397TWLwrUU&ob=av2e - Judas Priest Breaking the Law
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_aIhh9nFYv4 - Black Sabbath Paranoid
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7d57WGkhi-M&feature=related - Motley Crue Shout at the Devil
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B_3TlrZLpQ0 - Accept Balls To The Wall
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h45WnW0ASFY - Motorhead Eat the Rich
More goats
Seeing the goats last night on the way home, I thought I would walk to work that way this morning and see if I could get some better pictures with the morning light. I left the house at 6:45am and headed down the street. First thing I came across with this big buck eating grass in someone’s yard.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
My top 10 played songs on the IPod
When you are trying to make it up the hill, you need some good tunes with a snappy beat to keep you moving. Here are the top 10 played songs on my IPod.
Colorado Weed is the Best!
Got off my ass and walked to and from work today. It was a little cold this morning, I think 19 degrees. I was dressed for it so it wasn’t an issue. Back and forth to work was an easy 5/miles to add to the log.
On my way home I came through the south Bear Creek Park area. Once a year they bring in the goats to eat the weeds. I snapped the pictures below of the goats. I was trying to come up with a catchy caption to add and and this was the best that I could come up with "Colorado Weed is the Best".
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Another Day
I only did a mile on the treadmill last night and then spent the rest of my time lifting. Oh man I am a little sore this morning. Feels good!
Today is another day, so I need to make sure that I get after it again.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Happy Halloween
Man we had a mess of trick or treaters this year. They started showing up around 6pm and we wrapped up around 8:30pm. I will say that every one of them was very polite and all said thank you.
Clark and his girlfriend Nicole dressed up and were here at the house to help hand out candy. Clark was dressed up as a penguin and Nicole was dressed as a kitten. I went with the grumpy old man look.
Time to go to work
Well it is a new month so that is always a good time to set goals for things you want to get done. I am trying to get back to my daily workout routine and started up again today.
I haven’t been hiking and I can really feel it. I have been tired as of late and eating too much. The change in season is always difficult as it is dark when you get up and dark when you leave the office. In addition I have been traveling a considerable amount.
For lunch today I went to the gym for a quick work out. Managed to get 3/miles in on the treadmill and must admit I already feel better. At least I feel better about myself for making it happen. The treadmill is not my favorite but now that I have my Apple products all working again I made up a new play list. Having some decent music, well in my opinion decent music, it may not be your taste makes it easier.
I am scheduled to be in Denver tomorrow, so I will either have to get my workout done before I leave or after I get home. The drive up and back is a killer and normally when I get home I am beat. I’ll keep you posted on how it goes.
Friday, October 28, 2011
So about a month ago I encountered an issue where iTunes could no longer connect to the iTunes Store. Then I found that I could no longer sync my iPad or iPhone with iTunes.
My initial searching for a fix said to uninstall and reinstall iTunes and all related components. I went through this process with no fix.
Apple released the most recent update for iTunes, iPhone and iPad so I thought upgrading might fix the problem. So I update iTunes and still had the same issues and now I found a process called AppleMobileDeviceHelper.exe *32 was consuming 50% CPU.
I mentioned this to one of my coworkers and found that he was also having a similar issue. He sent me some links for a fix that worked for him and I just finished going through this process and it has also worked for me. These instructions are for Windows 7.
The first thing you will want to do is create a restore point in the event that you need to recover. You can find instructions for how to do this in Windows 7 by following this link:
Then try:
Start-> Programs -> Accessories -> (Right Click On Command Prompt) ->Run as Administrator
then type in:
netsh winsock reset
hit enter, restart PC, open iTunes. Hopefully fixed.
This worked for me and I can now access the iTunes store as well as syncing my other apple devices.
Then try:
Start-> Programs -> Accessories -> (Right Click On Command Prompt) ->Run as Administrator
then type in:
netsh winsock reset
hit enter, restart PC, open iTunes. Hopefully fixed.
This worked for me and I can now access the iTunes store as well as syncing my other apple devices.
Thanks Tony! Appreciate the help with getting this fixed.
Sunday, October 23, 2011
On the road this week.
this week I am headed to Las Vegas and then off to San Diego for a couple of days. I just finished getting through security which is always great fun. Boy it's not like the old days of air travel. Hell you used to be able to smoke, drink and actually get a meal on a plane and in most cases it was all free. Enough about all that, let's just admit that today traveling by air just sucks.
Sunday through Tuesday I will be at the IBM Information On Demand conference and then Wednesday through Friday the Alfresco DevCon in San Diego. Looking forward to DevCon as this is a new partnership for the company and we see opportunity to grow in this space.
So this morning we go to get into the truck to leave and I notice that the left rear tire is low. I pulled out the air hose and got it aired up but I could hear a slow leak. Jumped into Candy's car and drove out. So guessing I will get to deal with a flat tire when I return. oh joy!
Happy Hiking!
Sunday through Tuesday I will be at the IBM Information On Demand conference and then Wednesday through Friday the Alfresco DevCon in San Diego. Looking forward to DevCon as this is a new partnership for the company and we see opportunity to grow in this space.
So this morning we go to get into the truck to leave and I notice that the left rear tire is low. I pulled out the air hose and got it aired up but I could hear a slow leak. Jumped into Candy's car and drove out. So guessing I will get to deal with a flat tire when I return. oh joy!
Happy Hiking!
Saturday, October 15, 2011
That's One Down
Today I finished the family room in the basement. I spent most of this week cutting and getting the trim glued and nailed up. The most time consuming area was the trim on the fireplace wall. Lot’s of angle cuts to line up. Furniture is moved back, and out of the garage. Going to take a two break and then we will tackle Clark’s room.
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Getting Closer
Saturday night I started putting the trim along the concrete wall. I had to glue this portion of the basement as I can’t drive nails into the concrete. This morning I finished my cutting and put the trim up on the remaining walls. Headed over to the shop and put another coat of stain on my additional trim. If everything goes according to plan I should have this wrapped up by next weekend.
Now it’s off to catching up from being off last weak. I need to get through my email and update my task list. We are really busy right now and we are all thankful for that!
Now it’s off to catching up from being off last weak. I need to get through my email and update my task list. We are really busy right now and we are all thankful for that!
Auction Day
I could hear it raining around 5AM, but when I got up at 7am it was snowing. Seems early in the year for snow. Wonder if this means we are going to have a hard winter. Guess we will find out.
We got to the auction house around 10:15AM and the parking lot was full so we parked down the street. It was rain/snowing as we made our way up the street on foot. Once inside we cruised through to see what was going today. We found a nice pottery kick wheel. Candy had been looking for one and here was a nice one. Unfortunately it was going to be one of the last items sold.
We were getting close to the pottery wheel. I looked it up on the web and new ones like this one go for $800. Found a couple on eBay for around $200. All day people were checking it out by sitting on it and kicking the wheel. I was worried that there were going to be several bidders. The auctioneer and the crowd made there way to the wheel and away we went. The auctioneer started and nobody was bidding. He got down to $25 and I bid on it. Going once, twice sold. We just got a really cool pottery kick wheel for next to nothing.
We got to the auction house around 10:15AM and the parking lot was full so we parked down the street. It was rain/snowing as we made our way up the street on foot. Once inside we cruised through to see what was going today. We found a nice pottery kick wheel. Candy had been looking for one and here was a nice one. Unfortunately it was going to be one of the last items sold.
We were getting close to the pottery wheel. I looked it up on the web and new ones like this one go for $800. Found a couple on eBay for around $200. All day people were checking it out by sitting on it and kicking the wheel. I was worried that there were going to be several bidders. The auctioneer and the crowd made there way to the wheel and away we went. The auctioneer started and nobody was bidding. He got down to $25 and I bid on it. Going once, twice sold. We just got a really cool pottery kick wheel for next to nothing.
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Day 5 of my Vacation
Got up and cooked bacon and eggs for my parents. We loaded up in my truck and ran over to put another coat of polyurethane on the trim. Took a drive through old Colorado City , passed a sign for a garage sale so we made a trip around the block to check it out.
I picked up six, 90-Degree Angle Miter Corner Clamps still in the box for a couple bucks. It will be handy when I go to cut the window frames for the basement. I had looked at one when I was at Home Depot and almost got it. We found two more sales while we were in the area. I found a 1948 REVERE model 48 16mm projector. They were asking 35, I offered 10 and then loaded it up in the truck. This looks pretty cool next to the camera’s I had picked up.
We went to Outback for dinner and celebrated my Birthday. Had a good time with family that evening back at home with ice cream and cake.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Day 4 of my Vacation
Up at 7am this morning and away we went. My dad and I went out for breakfast at Barney’s. Great little greasy spoon if that’s what your up for. Then we headed over to the auction house to preview what is coming up for sale this Saturday. Didn’t see much that I was interested in.
Stopped by Pikes Peak Auto on the way home and took a walk through the yard to check out all the old cars. Found a few Model A’s, that hadn’t been there long and were already sold. One of them, it was in rough shape and would need lot’s of work and money, sold to someone on Australia . If you come across any old Model A cars or parts let me know as I would be interested.
Ran back by the house to check on Mom and see what was going on. Checked over the basement project, all looked good and just need to finish up with the trim. Ran over to Home Depot and picked up oak trim and while we were there I looked over insulation and Dad offer to help me put it up, so I bought enough to do the two end walls in the shop. We managed to get one wall done so it is now ready for sheeting.
While at the shop I was able to get two coats of stain on the trim. I plan on running over in the morning and getting a coat of polyurethane on the trim and then take Dad on a hike. Going to see if I can get him up Mt. Cutler or St. Peter’s Dome.
Day 3 of my Vacation
Candy is off on Wednesday’s and was home to help me clean house. My parents are coming to visit for a few days so we needed to spruce things up a little. It took most of the day, with most of it being laundry to get done.
So last Saturday I made a new playlist of the sounds of the seventies. I figured it would be a good week for a 70’s tribute. Somewhere along the line I picked up the Time Life 70’s collection. All together it is 480 songs. I have been playing the IPod on the stereo all week while I have been working on the house. It’s so bad that I’m even watching movies from the 70’s on Netflix.
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Happy Birthday Clark
This last Friday we celebrated Clark ’s 17 Birthday. We all met at the house at 5 and had ice cream and cake. Candy baked up the cake and it looked great. Clark had his girl friend and a buddy over.
He got a couple of skate tees and couple of cards. By six the party was over and Clark and his friends were on there way out the door. Something going on at the school, I think a football game.
Pictures from the Party can be found here:
Day 2 of my Vacation
Today sure flew by quick. I managed to complete the flooring and electrical work. Now I am down to the trim work and a few little paint touch ups. Need to pick out the oak trim and start staining hopefully tomorrow afternoon/evening.
We have company coming this week, actually tomorrow. So I need to take a break and get some house cleaning done.
Here is a picture of today's progress.
Monday, October 3, 2011
Day 1 of Vacation
Well making more progress that I had expected. I finished out the cut in and other spots that needed it. Painting is done, so scratch that off the list.
Around 1PM, I started working on the flooring. After measuring a couple of times I found my starting place and away I went. I should be able to finish up the floor, electrical outlets and vent covers. We picked out the trim we want to use. I will probably get it tomorrow and then stain it on Wednesday.
A few pictures of the progress I am making.
Around 1PM, I started working on the flooring. After measuring a couple of times I found my starting place and away I went. I should be able to finish up the floor, electrical outlets and vent covers. We picked out the trim we want to use. I will probably get it tomorrow and then stain it on Wednesday.
A few pictures of the progress I am making.
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Let the Vacation Begin!
I am on vacation this week. Nothing major planned just working around the house and getting miles in. This morning we did 3.5/miles up through the park. I am so glad that we got out. Fall/Winter is quickly approaching and it’s going to be getting cold soon.
Feel kind of bad about taking time off right now. But there never seems to be a good time. We have a lot going on around work and need to strive while the iron is hot as they say.
My other project this week and to get our basement re-finished. We started this project about a month a go by ripping out the carpet, pad, base boards. On Saturday I got the ceiling painted and today I got a coat on the walls and most of the cut in done. I should be able to wrap up paint by tomorrow evening and then will be ready to start working on the flooring.
For the ceiling we used Toasted Marshmallow 76OC-1 and the walls we covered with Toffee Crunch 700D-5. It looks pretty good together. For the floor I am laying Allure floating resilient plank flooring. Looking forward to see how this goes. I read the owners manual and have watched a couple of videos. I hope to get started on the floor by tomorrow night, no later than Tuesday.
Happy Hiking
Feel kind of bad about taking time off right now. But there never seems to be a good time. We have a lot going on around work and need to strive while the iron is hot as they say.
My other project this week and to get our basement re-finished. We started this project about a month a go by ripping out the carpet, pad, base boards. On Saturday I got the ceiling painted and today I got a coat on the walls and most of the cut in done. I should be able to wrap up paint by tomorrow evening and then will be ready to start working on the flooring.
For the ceiling we used Toasted Marshmallow 76OC-1 and the walls we covered with Toffee Crunch 700D-5. It looks pretty good together. For the floor I am laying Allure floating resilient plank flooring. Looking forward to see how this goes. I read the owners manual and have watched a couple of videos. I hope to get started on the floor by tomorrow night, no later than Tuesday.
Happy Hiking
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Let's Make a Movie!
On Friday evening I was able to log another 4.75/miles in. I took the same route that I had taken the day before. This weekend was more work around the house trying to get the outdoor projects wrapped up before winter gets here.
Saturday we were able to finish the painting on the shed. Check that off the list. It took longer to paint than it did to put all the siding on. Painting is not one of my favorites.
I was also able to get some mowing done so that spruced things up a little. Saturday morning we went over to the auction. Someone had spent a lifetime collecting old camera’s and 8mm movie cameras. I am guessing that there were over 200 of them.
I managed to buy 10 of them of various makes, models. They range in years from 1920 to 1950. I spent $5 a piece for what is pictured below. From what I see on eBay they sell for anywhere to $15 to $50 a piece depending on the condition, etc. Bang, I now have a cool 8mm movie camera collection.
Now I have to find some place to display them. Went out to see if we could find any pre made shelves that could be hung above a bedroom window. Didn’t find shelves that met our needs, so guess I will build them. I’m looking forward to getting some film and trying one of these out.
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