Thursday, January 12, 2023

Love My Rad

Today I took my RadRunner Plus out for a spin and it was glorious! The ice and snow that had been coating the streets for months was finally starting to melt and I couldn’t wait to take advantage of the warmer weather.  I have owned this bike for a few months now, clocking in over 500 miles of use. As a big boy, it is important for me to regularly check my brakes as the friction from my weight takes its toll on them. 

As I started riding, I blasted some Rock-A-Billy music from the Bluetooth speaker, because it seemed appropriate for the day. To my delight, two older ladies began dancing around when Jerry Lee Lewis came on - what an unexpected surprise! Most of my ride was through trails in parks which are great for avoiding traffic, but there were some roads that needed to be navigated as well. Thankfully all my gear kept me warm despite the chilly 21 degrees outside temperature. Two coats, wool socks and scarf did their job protecting me from the cold like a champ! 

In summary today's ride was just amazing! The joy of being able to go outside and feel free while listening to good music was something else. After all these months stuck inside due to Covid-19 restrictions it felt so liberating. Furthermore, e-bike rides provide quite a workout too - great way to exercise without spending hours at the gym! 

I can’t wait until next time when I get back out there with my beloved Rad Runner Plus again.

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