Monday, August 3, 2015

Ozette Triangle

Had a great time today.  We headed out at 7:30 AM and drove about 40 miles to the trail head.  Today we were going to do the Ozette Triangle.   This is a 9.2 mile trail that takes you out to Cape Alva and then down to Sand Point before returning.  The majority of the hike through the woods was fairly easy as the trails were well maintained.  When we got to the beach, we kept looking for a trail, but I guess the beach was the trail.  

This was the most difficult part of the hike.  The terrain was all over the place.  From rocky to sandy with seaweed in huge piles that were ripe and covered with flies.  Huge logs and areas that we had to use ropes to get up trail and around some of the larger rocks.

I make it sound terrible but it was actually pretty damn awesome.  To do the loop it took us six hours.  Longer that

most, but we spent time looking for sea glass as we walked and actually found a pretty decent amount.  We took a lunch with us.  Candy made turkey sandwiches and packed plums, chips and cookies.   It was nice to sit, eat and enjoy our surroundings together.

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