I dusted off the vinyl records and came across this gem. Happy Holidays!
Sunday, December 15, 2013
Out Again
The brisket that I cooked yesterday came out really nice. I have just enough to make some soup on Monday. Need to make a run to the store to pick up some vegetables. I think we need a gallon of milk to.
I did get out again this morning and did 6.61/Miles. Took a little different route today and really enjoyed myself. Didn't see many people out today, which was nice. With my miles from today this gets me up 35.11/Miles for the month. I need to get at least 10 more in before I head out on my next business trip. Below is my route and elevation profile.
I did get out again this morning and did 6.61/Miles. Took a little different route today and really enjoyed myself. Didn't see many people out today, which was nice. With my miles from today this gets me up 35.11/Miles for the month. I need to get at least 10 more in before I head out on my next business trip. Below is my route and elevation profile.
Saturday, December 14, 2013
Back from the road for a few days. Just returned from a trip to Austin and it
looks like I will be traveling to St. Louis mid next week. Being on the road I didn't get to many miles
in. I did manage to walk to work one day
while in Austin so that was nice. From
the Hotel to the office is just over 2.5/Miles. I got out this morning and did a 4.8/mile
loop up and around BCP. The weather is
great today and I hope tomorrow is just as nice as I want to get out again in the
morning. I included an image of my route
and elevation profile below.
After I wrapped up my hike I dropped off the dry cleaning. “Note
to self, don’t forget to pick up dry cleaning” Then headed to the store to pick
up something for dinner. I was thinking
about cooking up a beef or pork roast but opted for the brisket. I seasoned the brisket and then placed strips
of bacon over the top. Wrapped it in tin-foil
and have it baking at 275 for the next few hours. I will update you later on how it turns out.
On my way home from the store I stopped by the shop for a
few minutes. I hadn’t’ been there for a
week so wanted to make sure everything was in order. I hung out for about 20 minutes trying to
figure out what I want to do about heat for the shop. One more item on my list of things to do!
Candy’s sister is here visiting with us. I haven’t seen much of either one of them as
they have been out and about.
morning they headed up to Breckenridge for the day. I know that Candy wanted to check out a soap
shop, that we had seen online and has a shop in Breck. Yesterday they were up in Denver and stopped
into a soap shop. Candy and her sister
both said that Candy’s soap was much better looking and smelling than what they
found in the store they were visiting.
Top 25
Below are my top 25 played songs on my IPod, all great tunes.
I'm Not Over
Carolina Liar
Rise Against
Santa Monica
Theory of a Dead Man
Sunday, December 8, 2013
Candy has been working on her recipes and designs for her soap. I have included a picture below of the several types that she has made so far. The house smells like a candy factory but I am not complaining.
Man it is cold out. I
just got through cleaning up the back porch in 10 degree weather. Shoveled off the snow and swept up all the
damn leaves and pine needles. For the
last week we have been in the negative to 10 degrees temperatures around
here. Today I think about mid-day we
were in the twenty’s.
With the cold weather I haven’t gotten out to do any hiking
but I have been working on my couch to 5k.
I have a road trip coming up this week and possibly next week. I am headed to Austin and I hope it is
warmer there than it is here.
Sunday, December 1, 2013
Back to work!
I hope that all of you had a happy Thanksgiving Holiday! As I lay here on the floor writing this up, I am trying to remember what I did the last four days while I was off. I haven't been feeling up to snuff, since Friday. Some kind of tummy issue, but this will pass. So what did I do, let me think back, in no particular order.
I bled the brakes on the 31 Ford. About a month ago I was going to take it out and didn't have brakes. After finally finding the reservoir, I opened it up and it was empty. It had been on my list to fix for a while so I picked up some brake fluid and a funnel with a long spout. It is located under the front seat and is a little tough to get to. I can't find any leaks so it must have just been low.
Made up a couple more soap molds for Candy. A couple of them are out of 3 inch PVC pipe and I still need to make a pusher so that she can push the soap out of the mold.
Got the Christmas lights up on the front of the house. Had to go pick up a couple of new strands as the ones I had were bad. Looks good and now I can cross that I have the list.
I am replacing my wired metal shelf inserts with wood. I was going to go with plywood but after looking at the pricing I opted for 1x8's and cut them down to 22 inch lengths. Saved me about 8 dollars per two shelves. Still have a few to do, but I did get three done.
November wasn't a great month for me as it relates to getting miles logged. I have been doing the Couch to 5K app and I am only up to the point where I get just a little over three miles completed in 35 minutes. At least with the cold weather it make a nice break. I didn't hike or do anything the last couple of days. I did sleep in though.
I bled the brakes on the 31 Ford. About a month ago I was going to take it out and didn't have brakes. After finally finding the reservoir, I opened it up and it was empty. It had been on my list to fix for a while so I picked up some brake fluid and a funnel with a long spout. It is located under the front seat and is a little tough to get to. I can't find any leaks so it must have just been low.
Made up a couple more soap molds for Candy. A couple of them are out of 3 inch PVC pipe and I still need to make a pusher so that she can push the soap out of the mold.
Got the Christmas lights up on the front of the house. Had to go pick up a couple of new strands as the ones I had were bad. Looks good and now I can cross that I have the list.
I am replacing my wired metal shelf inserts with wood. I was going to go with plywood but after looking at the pricing I opted for 1x8's and cut them down to 22 inch lengths. Saved me about 8 dollars per two shelves. Still have a few to do, but I did get three done.
November wasn't a great month for me as it relates to getting miles logged. I have been doing the Couch to 5K app and I am only up to the point where I get just a little over three miles completed in 35 minutes. At least with the cold weather it make a nice break. I didn't hike or do anything the last couple of days. I did sleep in though.
Monday, November 25, 2013
Monday, November 11, 2013
Major FAIL!
$800,000 piece of clip art will soon be plastered on Colorado-made products, state agency websites, and, inevitably, Nalgene bottles owned by dreadlocked ski instructors.
Christmas is just around the corner
I was looking through my albums tonight and getting ready for the Holidays! Came across this gem, I am sure you all own this one.
Soap, really? yes really!
have had some changes stirring around the Robinson household. Clark raised the question of moving out
yesterday. Honestly I think both Candy
and I are for it. He asked about his
truck and if he could take it with him.
I said sure but he would have to carry the insurance. I guess we could take care of that for him
if it helps get him to be independent.
We shall see where this goes. I
need a place to work from home once in a while and his bedroom would be a great
place to set up.
have had a couple of people ask me what we do with the extra room now that Eric
has moved out and Clark is getting close to doing so. Well this is what we have done; when Eric
moved out we bought a treadmill and weights and put it into his old room. When Clark moves out we are going to turn his
room into an office. So basically there
will be no place for either one of them to move back into. Currently we don’t even have a guest room
for people to stay. Don’t get me wrong,
I would help out if needed, but this is the time to push them to make it one their
own. From having roommates too eating Ramen noodles
and taking the bus to work or school.
Look that’s how I did it.
last weekend I made some soap molds.
Soap molds you say? Yes that is
what I said. Candy has gone through a
few changes with work as of late and we decided that maybe she should start her
own business. So somehow we both came
up with natural and decorative soaps.
Look it makes since to me, you have a registered nurse who worked in
dermatology and is now creating soap products made naturally and some without fragrance
for people with psoriasis and eczema. Others will be just for decoration and display
but still usable. She has already made
several test batches and it has been fun to watch her in her mask, goggles and
apron. She is working with some heavy
duty chemicals like Lye, extracts and oils.
I was her guinea pig with for her recent batch of bath bombs. This one was with a lemon scent and was
actually very nice. I think she is on
her 3rd or 4th batch of these, trying to work out the best process. I wouldn't be surprised if you come across
her soaps fairly soon. The idea is that
she will sell them in bulk so that people who do farmers markets, up-scale hotel gift shops, antique malls, etc
can buy them and then sell them at their own locations. She has been playing with using water from
the springs in Manitou, which is another good selling point. I have been looking at the sites of her competition
and I have to say, with what I know, she can easily have a better site and greater
online sales. Cha ching! More to come on
this in the months ahead.
Time is not on your side!
Sorry for the delay on getting something down in the
blog. Just been crazy busy these last
several weeks and haven't made the time.
A lot going on for me both work wise and personally as of late. Work wise, we are adding new customers and
our current customers are looking for more from us. Not a bad problem to have.
Personally I have just been trying to get work done around
the house and the shop. Let’s see this
weekend we mowed, raked and picked up 22, 55 gallon trash bags full of leaves and
crap out of the yard. I love fall, but I
hate the yearly cleanup that is required to get all the leaves picked up. Candy helped me on Sunday so the backyard
went quicker than the front did.
I had some good fortune this weekend. A buddy of mine stopped by the shop and he
about 15 car covers, nice car covers that he had collected and been storing in
his attic. We tried a few out and found
three that covered up the vehicles I have.
These came in really handy as I am starting some wood working projects
and this should help keep the dust off.
In October I managed to log 74.2/Miles in. I am trying something different for the next
couple of weeks. On October 28Th,
I started doing the Couch to 5K app. So
far so good, I have trained just about every day this month. I started out doing it for lunch, but have
now moved to running when I first get up in the morning. It takes about 35 minutes and currently I am
logging about 2.5/miles. Faster than the
walking to work, but the scenery isn't as nice.
Monday, October 14, 2013
Sunday, October 13, 2013
Paint Mines
Feeling pretty good, I passed the 50/Mile mark today, for this month. Yesterday I did 5.5/Miles on the treadmill and today we headed out to the Paint Mines and hiked around the rocks. I have said it before and will say it again, this is one of my favorite places to go. Not a long hike, today we did 2.6/Miles and hiked up through the canyon. Took several pictures today and have included below.
I have an 8:30 AM call tomorrow and have to be in Denver by 11:00 AM for a lunch. Going to try to get up early and do a quick hike up through BCP.
Yesterday I spent the majority of the day cleaning the house and doing laundry. I managed to get all the laundry done and the bathrooms cleaned. I had to replace the innards on the toilet up stairs. Candy got home around 6:30 PM and we headed out for dinner.
I have an 8:30 AM call tomorrow and have to be in Denver by 11:00 AM for a lunch. Going to try to get up early and do a quick hike up through BCP.
Yesterday I spent the majority of the day cleaning the house and doing laundry. I managed to get all the laundry done and the bathrooms cleaned. I had to replace the innards on the toilet up stairs. Candy got home around 6:30 PM and we headed out for dinner.
Thursday, October 10, 2013
Managed to walk again today, it was nice this morning but cool and raining this evening, I am doing really well, just need to keep after it. I am up to 37.48 for the month! :-) Came across a Coyote on my way to work this morning. He was down by the creek working his way up the hill. I grabbed the phone to try to get a picture, but he was moving pretty quick and was gone.
Happy Birthday to David Lee Roth. Be honest, who didn't want to be DLR in the late 70s early 80s rockin in front of the Van Halen brothers and Michael Anthony. Good Times!
Happy Birthday to David Lee Roth. Be honest, who didn't want to be DLR in the late 70s early 80s rockin in front of the Van Halen brothers and Michael Anthony. Good Times!
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
Well the miles are starting to add up this month. I have managed to walk every day except for two this month. I am at 32.28/Miles and it is only the 9th. I have about 10 days left at home before I have to travel again. It's tough to keep after when traveling. I know we are going to have some late evenings and early mornings.
I hope to get some good distance in tomorrow and Friday. Candy will be working late both days, so no rush to get home. They say it takes about 21 days for something to become a habit, so getting closer.
I hope to get some good distance in tomorrow and Friday. Candy will be working late both days, so no rush to get home. They say it takes about 21 days for something to become a habit, so getting closer.
Sunday, October 6, 2013
Change in plans
I had forgotten that Candy has a big test on Tuesday, so she ended up spending most of the day studying. I made my way over to the shop on foot. It was exactly three miles. The weather was great today so it made the walk very enjoyable. Once at the shop, I spent most of the day working on various things. I made up a couple of more birdhouses out of the old fencing I had. Candy is going to use one of them in the house for decoration and I think I will mount the other two onto the fence at the shop. They are functional but really just made for decoration. I spent the rest of the day cleaning the shop and watering the yard. Everything looks pretty good.
Saturday, October 5, 2013
Happy Saturday!
Candy had to work today so that left me to figure out things
to do. I made an early start of the day
since she had to get up, so did I.
First stop this morning was the German Deli. They bake on Friday night through Saturday
morning and you have to get there early before they sell out. I picked up a bag of Poppy seed Kaiser rolls,
a bag of sausage and cheese rolls, half pound of peppered salami, Havarti
cheese, tub of cucumber salad. Looking
forward to munching down on salami/Havarti cheese baked sandwiches.
Candy is off tomorrow so I was thinking about dragging her
out to the paint mines for a hike and some pictures. Need to make up some sandwiches so we can
have a picnic while we are out hiking.
I think I will take the guns and maybe stop in at the gun range and do
some shooting. I know she would have a
good time, I know I will.
After the German Deli I stopped off at Kangaroo Coffee and
picked up an Avalanche. Mmmmm
tasty! When I got back I start thinking
about what to make for dinner. Candy
had cooked a roast earlier in the week, so I made stew this evening. Made a list of what I needed
Before I headed to the store I went up and did a quick
3.6/Miles through BCP. This gets me up
to just a little over 18/Miles for the month.
I guess this makes the fourth day in row out on the trails. Feeling good, just need to keep after it.
Made a run to HD and picked up my Birthday present. Got myself a new shop vacuum, I had one but
loaned it to a co-worker along with my really nice moving dolly and when he
split town he took it with him. Stopped
at the store and picked up the vegetables for the stew. Then I stopped and picked up the
dry-cleaning. Got home and unloaded and
then headed to the shop.
On the way I stopped and washed the truck. When I got to the shop I wiped it down and
then detailed the interior. Used my new
birthday present and vacuumed out the inside.
Came out looking pretty good. I
had some old fencing so I made a bird house, knocked it out pretty quick, and
only took about 30 minutes. I need to
get a 2 inch hole cutter and make the entryway, pictures to follow shortly.
Friday, October 4, 2013
Sad news
I was speaking with my Dad this evening and he let me know about a friend of his and my moms that passed away this week. I did some searching on mother google and find that our neighbor growing up had also passed away this week. Unfortunately I won't be able to attend the services. I have included their names with links to the obituaries.
Edna Eagle - October 22, 1919 - October 3, 20131
Georgia Dubios - April 17, 1928 - October 2, 2013
Off for a couple of days
I took this afternoon and next Monday off for vacation. I headed out and hiked through BCP this afternoon and managed to get 4.95/Miles logged. It was in the 40's and the wind was blowing. Made it a little chilly starting out but warmed up quick. It was nice in the sun, but a little cool in the shade. Supposed to be cold in the morning, in the 20/30's. I want to get to the German Deli and pick up a few items. Below is the route that I took today and a few photo's from the trail.
Thursday, October 3, 2013
Social Butterfly
The title comes with the post that I made today on FB. More than I normally do in a day, but who cares. I have been listening to the Scorpions this week on my way to and from work. So tonight I updated my profile photo and posted a link to a video. I did manage to walk to and from work again today. Felt good to be out, before it turns cold. I don't mind the cold as much as I do the heat.
Candy started her new shift today. It's just after 8PM and I haven't heard from her. She said she is supposed to get off at 8:30PM but we will see. I am going to have to find a productive way to fill my time.
I worked over at the shop this evening for an hour. Took a few pictures of the vette. Got the idea from a motorweek web site I was visiting. I need to figure out how to cut out the back ground as I think this would make a pretty cool enlarged photo hanging up on the wall.
Candy started her new shift today. It's just after 8PM and I haven't heard from her. She said she is supposed to get off at 8:30PM but we will see. I am going to have to find a productive way to fill my time.
I worked over at the shop this evening for an hour. Took a few pictures of the vette. Got the idea from a motorweek web site I was visiting. I need to figure out how to cut out the back ground as I think this would make a pretty cool enlarged photo hanging up on the wall.
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Change is schedule
Candy is moving into a new postilion at work and her schedule will be changing. Looks like she will be pulling some weekend duty so I have been trying to figure out how to spend my time. Originally I was thinking about getting out on the trails. Now I am toying with the idea of going camping. Unfortunately is it supposed to turn cold this weekend. We shall see where I end up.
I checked the Auction rags but didn't see anything that looked all that exciting and I don't need any more
junk. The Bird Bench as it has now been named is coming together. I got the bench painted this week and now just need to get the birds on. I picked up a fresh bottle of mod podge and will probably work on finishing this up over the weekend. Need to make sure that I don't get bubbles or any color bleeding so will take some time.
junk. The Bird Bench as it has now been named is coming together. I got the bench painted this week and now just need to get the birds on. I picked up a fresh bottle of mod podge and will probably work on finishing this up over the weekend. Need to make sure that I don't get bubbles or any color bleeding so will take some time.
I manged to get my ass in gear this morning and walked to work and back. It is my October resolution to get back into the groove daily. Being my Birthday is coming up next week gives me good reason to get after it.
Sunday, September 29, 2013
Home for a week or two
Guess it has been a while since I put up a post. Been a busy month, have traveled for work, played in a family golf event, attended a funeral for a family member and been trying to get things done around the house and the shop.
So I played in a family golf outing for a few days in Castle Rock, CO. This was the week that Colorado got rain like you wouldn't believe, up to 14 inches in some areas. Had a blast and over the course of four days I played a 108 holes of golf. I didn't bring home the gold but I had a great time. This was the 28th Sharkey Clark Memorial Golf Classic. Got a chance to see most of my uncles and a few old friends.
On the walking front I have not been out. Did walk a couple days last week but with all the travel it has been tough to get into the groove.
I spent a week on the road, traveled to Nashville and Atlanta visiting with customers and prospects, and then the weekend in Wichita. Didn't plan on going to Wichita but we had a passing in the family. Sad situation!
Most of this weekend I worked around the house and the shop. On Saturday we did go to an auction. Had fun and I picked up some Kiss memorabilia for the collection. I also snagged a miniature mining cart. We brought it home and cleaned it up and then Candy loaded it with flowers. We placed it in the living room and I think it looks pretty good.
Today I started working on a new project. I am refinishing a wooden bench and plan to decoupage some birds that I cut out from an old calendar that I had been saving to do something with. I got the birds cut out and placed them to see how they would look. Once I had my layout done and started painting the bench and should have it done in a couple of days. Once that is done then I will decoupage the birds on.
Saturday, August 31, 2013
Back for a few days, at least I hope that I am. I was up in Chicago last week working. Flew up on Monday and returned on
Thursday. While I was there I got the
chance to see my sister and her family. We all went out to dinner and then got
us some yogurt. Good times and my nieces
are growing up quick.
I didn’t do a very good job keeping up with the blog, nor
did I get out and walk as much as I would have liked. It was hot and humid, pretty rough when
coming from Colorado’s dry climate. So I
added up my miles for the month and I was at 48.96 miles. Now I have a target to beat in September,
although I know it is going to be another tough travel month.
I looked at Lowes and found a commercial
3-Tier Steel Freestanding Shelving that is adjustable and movable should I want
to change. I decided to go with them and
they are going to work out great. The only thing I want to change up is it came
with wire shelves and I want plywood, so I have a flat surface. Each section is 72-in H x
77-in W x 24-in D and I bought 4 of them and they span the length of the wall.
I came across a 59 Ford Ranchero
today. It was in pretty decent shape
and I was told it was a California car.
The body was straight and all the chrome was on it. Someone had swapped out the motor and made
it a 4 speed on the floor. Needed brakes,
new wheels, interior but it was running and drive able. I would love to have one of these, but would
want a 57 or a 58. If you are looking for 59 Ford Ranchero project, this would
be one to look at.
Thursday, August 22, 2013
Looking forward to the weekend and getting shelving project
started and competed. Candy is doing a
girls trip with her sister this weekend so I have two days to knock this
Parts of town are getting some pretty good rain this
evening, up to 4 inches in some areas.
Once again we may have flooding. The
local news has been talking it up all night.
They have closed highway 24 into Manitou. We shall find out soon I guess. We haven’t seen much rain on our side of town
but can see lots of lightning and hear the thunder.
Saturday, August 17, 2013
We headed out about 8:30 AM on our way out to Peyton, CO. to an estate auction. The auction was already in full swing when we go there at 9:30 AM. This was so big that they had two auctioneers going at the same time in different parts of the house. Yeah, that's how big the house is! Indoor pool, on acreage and with a nice pond behind the house. We hung out for about an hour, lot's of nice stuff but nothing I needed. Big crowd today so everything going at a premium.
On our way home we stopped and picked up several cartons of 9 MM ammo. I have been looking for ammo at Wal-Mart and they never have it so we stopped at gun shop that was on way back from Peyton. Picked up a couple of boxes of target ammo and two home defense. Candy keeps saying we need to go target shoot and now we don't have an excuse not to.
Then we stopped in at the Ross Auction House and did a quick walk through. Saw a few things but nothing that would keep me hanging there for several hours. So we split and headed back for the house. Stopped at the German Deli on the way home and picked up some rolls and peppered salami and made some tasty sandwiches for lunch.
After lunch I headed over to the shop, the yard needed mowed. Mowed then cleaned up around the shop. I fired up the Model A's and let them run for about ten minutes. Hadn't started them in a while, but the fired right up. Took a few more measurements for the wall that I am going to build the shelves on. I plan on building them next weekend.
I think we are going to do Section 16 in the morning. Going to try to get an early start as I have to drive up to DIA as I am headed to Austin, TX. tomorrow for work, should get back on Thursday. I think I am all packed and ready to go. Taking a larger backpack with me to carry my stuff. I am going to try to walk to work and back when I am in Austin. So I need a bigger pack to carry a change of clothes, shoes and my tools for work.
On our way home we stopped and picked up several cartons of 9 MM ammo. I have been looking for ammo at Wal-Mart and they never have it so we stopped at gun shop that was on way back from Peyton. Picked up a couple of boxes of target ammo and two home defense. Candy keeps saying we need to go target shoot and now we don't have an excuse not to.
Then we stopped in at the Ross Auction House and did a quick walk through. Saw a few things but nothing that would keep me hanging there for several hours. So we split and headed back for the house. Stopped at the German Deli on the way home and picked up some rolls and peppered salami and made some tasty sandwiches for lunch.
After lunch I headed over to the shop, the yard needed mowed. Mowed then cleaned up around the shop. I fired up the Model A's and let them run for about ten minutes. Hadn't started them in a while, but the fired right up. Took a few more measurements for the wall that I am going to build the shelves on. I plan on building them next weekend.
I think we are going to do Section 16 in the morning. Going to try to get an early start as I have to drive up to DIA as I am headed to Austin, TX. tomorrow for work, should get back on Thursday. I think I am all packed and ready to go. Taking a larger backpack with me to carry my stuff. I am going to try to walk to work and back when I am in Austin. So I need a bigger pack to carry a change of clothes, shoes and my tools for work.
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
I am making a road trip next week to TX. I mapped out my route if I was to walk to the office and back. It works out that it is 2.36 Miles each way. Just checking the weather forecast and it looks clear for next week and warm. Only problem is I don't want to be the stinky guy at the office and I have lunches planned and will need to drive. So we shall see.
I have to go to Denver in the morning and will need to get up early if I want to get some distance in before I go. I would need to leave the house by 6 AM if I wanted to get out and back in time to shower and head up I-25.
So the last few days I have been working on my plans for my shelving that I am building. I have worked up the plans and made a list of supplies needed. Looks like this is going to cost about $450 in supplies. Building them myself is much more inexpensive that going with something prefabbed.
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
I turned mine off......
This came across as a post on FB today. Very interesting and I did turn of geotagging on my photos. This link also provides a good overview and what you can do to protect yourself. http://www.wikihow.com/Avoid-the-Potential-Risks-of-Geotagging
Smartphone pictures pose privacy risks
I walked to work again today, so I was able to get 5.2 miles in. At least tonight it wasn't raining! Last night I had to wear the rain poncho home. It has been raining just about every day. What a year we have had. From the drought, the fire in Black Forest, flooding in Manitou Springs.
Last Saturday after the flash flood, Candy and I took a drive over to Manitou to survey the situation. Back in the day, mid 1998 I used to office in Manitou located at 514 El Paso Ave. We drove by there and low and behold the building was gone. It looked like they had just done it, as the area was still roped off. I am guessing it flooded in the last flash flood we had a week ago, not only that it was up against a hill. I remember several large boulders coming down the back side and hitting the building. The area was a mess, with mud and debris left by the high water. We didn't make into Manitou as the traffic was pretty heavy so we turned around and headed out.
Wow, now here is a tool-box from back in the day! Wish it was mine!
Monday, August 12, 2013
Busy, busy, busy. I guess it has been a few days since I have posted any updates. Just been crazy busy with work and home, hard to keep up with it all. Did manage to walk to and from work today. I ended up walking home in the rain, which was OK as I had my poncho with me.
I just finished making my shopping list for the shelves I am planning to build at the shop. They will be 14 ft long and 8 ft high and 2 ft deep. I already drew up the plans and I think I have settled on the location.
Tonight we all went out to Chili's for dinner. Not often we get both the boys together to join us as everyone is working various schedules. Hey at least we are all working. Eric and his girl friend are headed to California in a 16 ft U-Haul truck. Moving some of her moms stuff from Colorado to her new home. Should be an interesting road trip for him driving that beast across the country.
Sunday, August 4, 2013
Sunday, yes it is Sunday.
I am sitting here trying to figure out what I did
today. Let’s see, got up about 9:30 AM,
yes slept in a little. Stayed up to
about 2:30 AM watching TV and playing on the iPad, I thought about going walking
this morning but it didn't happen.
drove over to Bed Bath and Beyond and picked up some coffee for the Kurig. Then we walked over to Michael’s and did a
walk through. Then it was off to the
grocery store to pick-up a few items.
Clark mowed the yard, so I fired up the weed eater and
cleaned up the edges. I guess the rest
of the day was spent working around the house.
I did three loads of dishes and several loads of folding clothes. Candy had the washing machine in full action today. I did have to put a new tire on the bicycle; actually,
I just had to put the tire on. We took
it to the bike shop and they replaced the tube and couple of spokes that had
I was looking at my work calendar and I have a full week
ahead of me. I guess that is a good
thing. Need to layout my clothes for
I love this Colorado weather. Just about every evening for the last
several weeks it has rained in the later afternoon. Hopefully this is filling up the reservoirs
and we can get past these water restrictions and bringing the fire hazard down. The yard and plants have sure greened
up. The Humming Birds remain elusive to
my attempts of being photo’d.
Later folks, I need to go sync the apple devices and run a
few maintenance items on the laptop.
Catch you later!
Saturday, August 3, 2013
Pod Racing
We got up this morning and headed out for a walk. Hiked up through West BCP and around, signs
were posted to be on the look-out for Bears.
We didn’t see any but did keep an
eye open. Some people spotted one in
the area and said that it was following them.
Chances are he was just going the same way. We managed to get 3.2M in. This gets me up to 11.72 this month.
I am guessing it has been about 10 years since I picked
up the ass end of a 79 Corvette. I got
it for free and brought it home, cleaned it up and painted it blue and the
bumpers black and have had it hanging in the garage here at the house. Well I took it over to the shop a couple
days ago along with some Lego’s that I had put together.
After our walk today I headed over to the shop to hang up
the Lego’s and the back-end to the 79 Corvette.
Once I figured out where I wanted them I hung up the Pod Racers with
Anakin and Sebulba. I used fishing line
and tried to hang them so it looked like Sebulba was coming down on
Anakin, looks pretty decent.
Then I turned my attention to the bumper and figuring out
where it would look good. I ended up
hanging it to the left of my work bench.
I screwed a 2x4 to the wall and hung the bumper on it, ran some screws
in the holes for the tail lights into the 2x4. It looked good once it was up except you
could see the 2x4 through the tail light holes.
I solved that by
going over to Hobby Lobby and picking up some red metallic paper. Found four round wooden circles already cut
out the size that it needed. I took it
home and used the wood circles to make my line for cutting the paper. Once I had for paper circles cut out, I
glued the paper to wood and let it dry.
Thursday, August 1, 2013
Happy Anniversary
Today, Candy and I celebrate our 26th wedding
anniversary. Doesn't seem like 26 years
have gone by but they have. We
celebrated by going out to dinner this evening, reminiscing about the years. Love you babe!
Being that today is August 1st, I built yet
another new spreadsheet to start tracking my distance, meals and weight. Speaking of which, I need to go add what I
had for dinner. I walked to and from work today and it was
good to be out. I plan on doing the same
again tomorrow. I have the rain poncho
with me as it has rained just about every day in the late afternoons. Not much of a rain but enough to get you wet.
I have seen several large moths of different types this year. I came across two today, one at work and one here at the house. The brown
one on the right is from the Sphinx family and I believe the other is as well.
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