Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Change is schedule

Candy is moving into a new postilion at work and her schedule will be changing.   Looks like she will be pulling some weekend duty so I have been trying to figure out how to spend my time.   Originally I was thinking about getting out on the trails.  Now I am toying with the idea of going camping.  Unfortunately is it supposed to turn cold this weekend.  We shall see where I end up.

I checked the Auction rags but didn't see anything that looked all that exciting and I don't need any more
junk.    The Bird Bench as it has now been named is coming together.   I got the bench painted this week and now just need to get the birds on.  I picked up a fresh bottle of mod podge and will probably work on finishing this up over the weekend.  Need to make sure that I don't get bubbles or any color bleeding so will take some time.

I manged to get my ass in gear this morning and walked to work and back.   It is my October resolution to get back into the groove daily.  Being my Birthday is coming up next week gives me good reason to get after it.

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