So I mentioned that I got some new tunes for the iPod. Well I have been rocking my ass off the last
couple of days, and I LIKE IT! Tonight
I was looking at music videos from Babylon
Bombs and Pop Evil on the
YouTube. I like a few of the tunes
from Babylon Bombs, but I am not as stoked about them after watching a couple
of videos. In the 2006 video Hometown Hero the lead
singer changes shirts twice, going from a Poison to a Crucified Barbara t-shirt
and the lead guitarist changes shirts at least five times. Subliminal messaging at its best, but not
sure what the message is, listen to more Poison? I did have to look up Crucified Barbara, this is a
female glam rock band out of Scandinavia.
My advice to both Babylon Bombs and Crucified Barbara would be to
consult you glam rock consultant before you take another run at the US. First off, both bands need a make-over. The lead singer from Babylon Bombs is just kind
of freaky looking. Too much make-up, the
hair, just not sure but something has to change. Your videos with all the shirt
changing and apparent lip syncing just don’t make a good music video. You play some cool riffs with good lyrics,
but don’t look like you have your heart into it.
Pop Evil, now these guys rock. They are playing in CSprings this week at the
Black Sheep. I checked out the line-up
and Pop Evil, is really the only band that I would want to see. In the video Boss’s Daughter, they
have enlisted Mick Mars from Motley Crue for a cameo. Really not needed the song stands on its
own. In the video, I think the last
thing anyone is looking for is Mick. If
you check them out on the YouTube you will find other videos.