Man oh man, the wind was ripping through Colorado Springs today. We had gusts today up in the 70/mile an hour range, and windy all day. The temperature got up to 62 degrees, it would have been a great day if we didn't have the wind. Supposed to be nice tomorrow and not as windy.
I spent most of the day, well all day actually working on the Ranchero. I got to the shop at 10 AM and I didn't leave until 6 PM this evening. Most of the electrical bugs have been temporarily resolved. I got the tail lights, brake lights, turn signals all working, that took me most of the day. None of the wires were marked and the way they were hooked up before, all I had was tail lights. I need to get some wire and connectors. Now that I know how it all goes together I am going to rewire what I need to and use colored connectors so that when I get it back from paint it will be plug and play.
The horns were disconnected and I tracked down the wire I needed to hook them back up. I got them both working but shortly after I lost all power. I think I might have a bad horn relay switch. I am going to pull it and see if I can find a replacement. The wipers were giving me some trouble but they seem to be working now. I think some of my issues today came from the disconnected horn wire, it was shorting out.
Candy and Mable showed up around 4 PM to check on me and she brought me a coffee. She hung out for a few minutes and then it was back to work.
At work we are in the process of creating four video's, one for each of our business units. Here is our first one for our Database Managed Services group.