Wow, what a week, what weekend. We managed to keep ourselves occupied for the last two days. We spent a large amount of time walking around and catching Pokemon. On Saturday morning, we hit all the gyms in our park. Walked up and down Old Colorado City and then headed Downtown. We had lunch to refuel downtown and then right back out at it. A gym battle was about to begin and you could identify the other Pokemon players waiting for it to start. About 15 people in total. We crossed the street and joined the raid battle when it began. Actually won my first level 5. This was the first time I had participated in one, it was exciting. We then followed the crowd to the next raid battle. Candy and I got to fight in three raid battles altogether. It was a lot of fun. This is a picture of Candy trying to catch the all exclusive Dito. I felt bad as I caught one yesterday and today. Well, I guess that's how it goes. Altogether we covered 5.5 miles on our hunting trip. Eric and Shannon were taking a class at the hospital, preparing them for our new arrival. Guess he had to watch a video of a birth, to get him prepped. They got to see the birthing room and had a class on what to expect. He kept sending us pictures, he sent this one and I thought it was pretty funny.
We got back home a little after 3 pm. We relaxed for a few and then cleaned up and got ready to head back out. We had tickets for the Pikes Peak Center to see Steve Martin and Martin Short. We found a parking spot and walked about a block. It was a pretty full house. Our decision to go was kinda last minute and had seats up in the balcony. They were actually decent. The show was a lot of fun. They dogged on each about who was funnier. Had some pretty funny skits. I picked up a few jokes I will be looking to use. I was were getting ready to leave this morning, I thought it would be a good day to wear my hat. I took this selfie before we left. I was pretty happy, but this picture makes me look like a grump. This morning we got out the front door about 9:15 am. We headed out to the flea market to see what exciting junk we couldn't live without. It was hot this morning and walking out on the pavement didn't help. I picked up a pair of handheld CB radios for five dollars. Not sure what I will do with them yet. Candy got a book and a few other odds and ends. They cherry limeade we shared cost more than what we spent on junk. We then headed south down to Security. Made our way to the frisbee golf park. I didn't have any frisbee's with me but the park has several Pokemon gyms and stops. We walked around and caught pokemon and enjoyed the beauty around us. Once we finished we drove into Security and had lunch. We had Mexican, I had eggs and chorizo and Candy had a burrito. Now we were off to the Foutain Creek Nature Trail. I had never been to it before, but from looking on the map, it looked like a good Pokemon hunting ground. It was and we had a lot of fun walking through the park. Below are a few photos.
Wow, the 4th of July Holiday has come and gone. It was nice that it was on a Thursday, plus I had Friday off so made for a short week at work. I hope that you had a great 4th. We celebrated here at home this year. It was actually very low key. I popped a total of 3 firecrackers in the backyard. We grilled up some hotdogs, cut up a cantaloupe opened a bag of chips and away we went. We ate outside on the patio and I snapped a selfie of myself. I hope that it doesn't scare you off. It kinda scares me. LOL So I had a good week of walking. I managed to get 28.7/miles, so I am feeling good about that. Not a record-breaker for me, but a good start at getting back after it. Oh man, talk about some work. On July 5th, I had a fence post to replace. That was the reason I took the day off. The post had rotted off at the bottom and didn't help, that this was also the place in the fence that the bear liked to climb over. I worked and got the panels off, from the post and supported them with some 2x4's so they would stay up while replacing the post. I then started digging up where the post had been set and found that when they put it in, they did not go short on concrete. It took me a good two hours just to dig out around it. I had to get Candy to help me get the concrete ball out. She was on the prey bar while I pulled it out. Not looking forward to the others that will also need to be replaced. Resetting the post and getting the panels re-attached was a breeze compared to getting the old concrete out. I walked to work a couple days this week. Tried to get some bird and flower pictures, but nothing really came out that would be worth sharing. I did get this landscape. If you look close you can see a pole dancer. I need to dig up my camera so I can get some better pics. I have been playing Pokemon Go off/on for the last couple of years. Well, one of the challenges was to make a new friend. I convinced Candy to sign up so that we could become pokemon friends. Well, I created a monster. She is now hooked and want's to catch them all. It's actually pretty cool that we can now play together. We got out Friday night and went downtown to play. Today we spent most of the day in Manitou Springs walking the streets and playing. Not sure why it is so addictive, but we are having fun and spending time together and that's what's most important. She learned how to take a picture with a pokemon in it. Happy to share the results.
I got half my miles in today. 3.1 is what I logged, but I bailed on the walking home portion of today's goal. It looked like it was going to rain or at least that is the excuse I justified to myself. Candy was out, so I had her come by and pick me up. We picked up some laundry and then headed home. I cooked up some chicken thighs and fried some corn. We picked up a Canary Melon at the Flea Market on Saturday. I can't say that I have had one before, but oh man it was awesome. Candy cuts it up into chunks and then places it in the fridge. Eating it cold is the way to go. I will be looking for another one this weekend. Oh darn, the cat got out. Guess I will see her in the morning. As there is no way she will want to come back in tonight. Crazy cat, won't go out during the day but loves the nightlife. I really don't have much else to share. Busy day at work.
Wow, guess it has been a few months since my last post. Well, I am sure if you read or seen the news so you understand why I have been absent. It was in all the papers and online. Crazy stuff, but hey now I am back. So let's see where should we pick up? I guess from today going forward. I have a big pot of Pork Green Chili cooking in the crockpot. Hope it will be ready here in the next few hours. If not guess will have to figure something else out. Got off my ass today and went out and hit the trail. Just a little over 5/miles and several Pokemon'.
Being that we have a short week with the 4th of July Holiday, I hope to really get some distance in. We will see. At least I am home for a couple weeks.