Monday, November 22, 2010

When do you really get a Vacation?

I started my vacation today, but when is a vacation really a vacation. I think part of the problem is that I am so anal that I am afraid I am going to miss something. So I am always checking email to keep current on what is going on. It is liked being a smoker or hooked on drugs. With technology I can keep current and be found just about anywhere I go. Even though I am off I have a sales call tomorrow and plan on doing it from the Mountain with my phone and IPad. I don’t know why I worry as I work with a team of very talented people who all know what to do.

So my first day off was very busy and I hope to keep just as busy the rest of the week. This morning Candy and I drove up to Section 16 and did the Palmer Loop Trail. This is a great trail as the scenery is beautiful and after you get up the first 1.8/miles the remainder of this 5.8/mile hike is downhill. This is also part of the Ring the Peak Trail. The initial incline goes from 6,630ft to 7,725ft a nice 1,086ft climb in 1.8/miles.

We made pretty good time and actually passed two groups on our way up. I packed chicken that I had cooked last night for dinner as well as two turkey sandwiches. We didn’t get to the food until we got back to the truck. We opted for the sandwiches as the chicken would have been a little messy, but I did have napkins with us.

Then we headed to the office where I had to drop off a few items and then headed home. Once home we hopped in the hot tub and relaxed for a bit. Then I threw a roast in the oven. I am cooking it in Cream of Mushroom soup, Wine, Tomato Paste and Garlic. It should be ready soon so I will let you know how it came out.  (AWESOME!) cook at 350 for about 4 to 5 hours depending on size!

We made our list for the Thanksgiving dinner and headed out to the store. I am glad that we went today as the store wasn’t too packed. Hey and lucky enough we found everything we were looking for. Made it home and got everything put away and then started a fire in the fire place. Ready to just kick-back for a while and then lay out my clothes for tomorrows outing.

GPS Log tracking from today's Hike

Happy Hiking

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