Saturday, November 6, 2021

Welcome Little Buddy

As one Robinson left us a new one joined the family.  On May 21st. we welcomed Lachlan

Ray Robinson to the family.   This was also the same day that his Great Grandfather passed away.  Lachlan or Lach as I have nicknamed him, sure is another cutie.   I can't wait, actually Candy and I can't wait to get back down to see him and his big brother Aemon.

Looks like we will be able to get back just after Christmas for a couple days.  So looking forward to it.   It's been to long and I wish I could get down there more.

It was nice that the kids chose their Grandfathers middle name to give to Lachlan.   That was a very emotional day for all of us.

Seems like the kids are doing well.  They just purchased a new townhome a year back and are getting all settled.   I had forgotten how much stuff you need when you have little kids.   It all takes up a lot of room.

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