Monday, June 5, 2023

Love My RadRunner +

I recently got my hands on a Radrunner Plus electric bike, and after about 9 months of using it regularly, I had clocked more than 965 miles. With all the wear and tear, it was high time for a much-needed tune-up. The brakes were nearly gone, and with the steep hills here in Colorado, they had definitely taken a beating.

After two days at the bike shop, my Radrunner Plus was ready to hit the road once again! The brake pads were replaced, shifting cable was sorted out, and the entire bike was cleaned and oiled up. Now, all I needed was for the rain to stop for a few days - although I can't really complain as we need all the rain we can get.

The Radrunner Plus has been an absolute delight to ride. My family and I use them almost every day, and I even use it to commute to work when the weather is good. It's also equipped for grocery runs, making it convenient to bring home our shopping hauls. Plus, we love going on weekend rides and ending up downtown for a nice lunch.

Overall, I would give the Radrunner Plus a high rating and a positive review. It's versatile, practical, and efficient, especially with its electric assist feature. Plus, it's sturdy and durable enough to handle different terrains and weather conditions. If you're looking for a reliable and enjoyable electric bike, the Radrunner Plus is definitely worth considering.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You always make biking fun! It’s so fun to watch the hikers dance to your JBL speaker đź’•